Fitting Workshop

For Tailored Jackets and Coats

Toile, fit and style a tailored jacket or coat.
 Learn how to identify and fix fit issues!

MAY 1st- JULY 3rd, 2022
(excluding May 22nd, June 5th, June 19th and 26th)

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What's included?

  • LIVE Zoom Meetings
  • LIVE Virtual Fittings
  • Interactive Discussion Board
  • Written Instructions and Diagrams
  • Sleeve Drafting
  • 15% discount code from our sponsor, Stonemountain Fabrics!
  • 10% discount code from our sponsor, The Lining Company!
  • €100 discount for Tailored Jacket & Overcoat Workshop

Join us in this 7 week, online tailoring workshop!

May 1st - July 3rd, 2022
(excluding May 22nd, June 5th, June 19th and 26th)

Zoom Sessions:
9am-11am (London)/10am-12pm (Berlin)/8pm-10pm (Sydney)

Wednesday Fittings Sessions
9am-11am (Los Angeles)/ 11am-1pm (New York)/ 6pm-8pm (Berlin)

Using a recommended pattern of your choice, learn how to toile and fit a jacket or coat like a tailor! 
Learn how to take measurements, identify and correct fit issues, modify your pattern, and more! This course also includes learning how to draft a two-piece sleeve. The Fitting Workshop is the perfect prelude to our Tailored Jacket and Overcoat Workshop.

Purchase the Fitting Workshop and get a €100 off the Tailored Jacket and Overcoat Workshop beginning August 28th!

How does it work? 
During lessons you will be shown how to take measurements and modify your paper pattern. You will learn how to make toiles and identify fit issues and learn how to fix them. 
Everyone will have the opportunity to sew 3 toiles and have live, virtual fittings with the instructors. All Zoom sessions are recorded and uploaded to the platform, so even if you can’t make it to the live sessions, or would like to rewatch your fittings, you can do so at anytime.

Fittings will be held in class as well out of class. If you cannot be present be present for the Zoom meetings, we will schedule fittings with you that are 
convenient for all parties!
At the end of 7 weeks you will complete this workshop with a fitting coat pattern and the ability to identify and fix fit issues; knowledge to last you a lifetime!
Purchase the Fitting Workshop and get a €100 off the Tailored Jacket and Overcoat Workshop beginning August 28th. 

(You will receive a discount code after purchase.)

Here is what we will cover in
this course

Taking Measurements

Learn how to properly take your measurements.

Pattern Modification

Learn how to modify your paper pattern using your measurements before even cutting!

Sleeve Drafting

Learn how to draft a 2-piece sleeve for bespoke jackets and coats!


It's important to us that your jacket of coat is styled to your liking. Learn how to modify your pattern to your style!

Identifying Fit Issues

Learn how to identify the tell-tale signs of different fit issues

Fixing Fit Issues

Learn how to modify your paper pattern to fix fit issues. 
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What do I need?

Check out our Patterns and Materials Lists for all our workshops! 
Patrick Jones - Course author
Meet the instructor

Sibilla Carini

Sibilla Carini has been sewing since she was a kid, sewing clothing for dolls and halloween costumes. 
After some time as a costume maker for theatre and film, she transitioned to the world of custom tailoring, training in bespoke tailoring at Savile Row. 
Because of her unique journey, she has the understanding of how to teach tailoring techniques to established sewist, and give us a glimpse into the mysterious world of tailoring!
Meet the instructor

Isabella Serrano

Isabella has been a maker all her life. From sewing, spinning, felting a weaving, she has an extensive knowledge on fiber arts and crafts.
By day she is a stage artist, performing in an ensemble in Stuttgart, Germany. By night, she sews everything from lingerie to overcoats. She has always had a knack for teaching and enjoys sharing her knowledge and love for her craft with others.
Patrick Jones - Course author

Thank you to our sponsors!

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